Kamila Body

  1. +12133647479
  2. 23 Years
  3. 5' 7"
  4. 134 Lbs
  5. 9 IN
  6. Hair Brown hair
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin Cinnamon
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Athletic
  11. Breast Normal
  12. Butt Median
  13. BioType Normal

Working Hours


About Me

I’m the perfect date for a night on the town, to accompany you to any occasion, or perhaps you’d rather stay in.....regardless, YOU HAVE FOUND HER! I stand 5’8 with a body of a goddess . You will n... Continuar leyendo
I’m the perfect date for a night on the town, to accompany you to any occasion, or perhaps you’d rather stay in.....regardless, YOU HAVE FOUND HER! I stand 5’8 with a body of a goddess . You will never be disappointed with your time with me. I can promise you that you will leave longing for your nex


I'm located in Waltham Massachusetts United States
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Don't you want to come to my room and extended stay for $95 leave I just really want you to bring me a fair panties and a b****** real quick took me 10 minutes that's it
Would you travel to havehill mass?